S&P agency upgraded Ameriabank's outlook to "positive" - News | Ameriabank
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S&P agency upgraded Ameriabank's outlook to "positive"

13 Oct, 2021 | Press release, All | Return|

Rating agency S&P Global Ratings upgraded Ameriabank's outlook to "positive" instead of the previous "stable" and reaffirmed the bank's B+/B long-term and short-term ratings.

This rating given to Ameriabank once again proves the Bank's stability, recognition, trust among partners and clients, and professional corporate management.

The review of Ameriabank's rating was preceded by the review of the sovereign rating of the Republic of Armenia. The S&P agency awarded Armenia a "B+" long-term sovereign rating with a positive outlook. This is the first sovereign rating awarded to the Republic of Armenia by the rating agency.
Ameriabank's own creditworthiness (SACP) index "bb-" is one step higher than the long-term "B+" rating, as the latter is limited by Armenia's sovereign creditworthiness.

The revision of Ameriabank's outlook from "stable" to "positive" is due to 2021. with significant stabilization of Armenia's economy during the first half of the year. S&P has improved the forecast of Armenia's real GDP growth rate. 2021 the forecasted growth for 2022-2023 is 6.3%, and for 2022-2023 - 4.3% on average. According to S&P, the stabilization of the macroeconomic and fiscal environment in Armenia should reduce the risks in Armenia's banking system and create more favorable conditions for Ameriabank's operations and financial position, contributing to the expansion of new business lines and improving the quality of assets.

According to the rating agency S&P, Ameriabank has a good chance of maintaining its leading position in Armenia due to macroeconomic growth prospects, recognition of the bank in the local market, professional management staff, comprehensive digitalization strategy and proper corporate governance.

"Ameriabank" CJSC
Ameriabank is one of the dynamically developing banks of Armenia and ranks among the country's most stable and large financial institutions. "Ameriabank" CJSC is a universal bank that provides corporate, investment and retail banking services, providing a complete set of banking solutions. 2020 according to the results, Ameriabank is the leader of the RA banking system in terms of main financial indicators (assets, liabilities, loan portfolio, capital). For complete information, you can visit the website www.ameriabank.am or call +37410 56 11 11;

The bank is controlled by the RA Central Bank.