The working regime of the "UNISTREAM" Computing Center during the May holidays of 2015 - News | Ameriabank
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The working regime of the "UNISTREAM" Computing Center during the May holidays of 2015

07 May, 2015 | Announcements, All | Return|

On May 8, 2015 until h. 16:00 Acceptance and sending of payment documents in foreign currency and Russian rubles (including payments made within the framework of the UNISTREAM international money transfer system).

  • From May 9 to May 10, 2015 - non-working days.
  • On May 11, 2015 until h. 18:00 only the Bank's on-duty units will work (calculations will be made in foreign currency with partner banks of CIS countries and far abroad).
  • From May 12, 2015, the Bank will work in normal mode.

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