"Ameriabank" CJSC external audit organization selection contest - News | Ameriabank
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"Ameriabank" CJSC external audit organization selection contest

25 Jan, 2022 | Announcements, All | Return|

"Ameriabank" CJSC conducts a tender for the selection of an organization providing audit services (hereinafter referred to as the Tender) in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Bank's instruction on the selection of an independent auditor (the instruction is available at www.ameriabank.am).

Tender applications are accepted by "Ameriabank" CJSC, Yerevan, V. at 2 Sargsyan street, starting from 2022 from February 25 to 2022 including March 25, every working day at 11.00-15.00.

Auditors should submit tender proposals in 2 (two/) packages with glued, sealed and signed envelopes.
The first package presents the recommendations related to the technical aspects of the audit service, and the second - to the financial aspects.

The financial criterion for evaluating tender proposals is the value of the audit service in AMD /including all applicable taxes and other costs/, and the technical criteria are as follows:

  • the degree of recognition (authority) and international recognition (authority) of the auditor in RA
  • auditor's work experience
  • qualification level of employees participating in the audit work
  • methods of auditing
  • the dates of conducting the audit and submitting the audit report
  • audit coverage areas.

Those who wish to participate in the competition must also submit their company's charter, permission to conduct auditing activities, and the latest financial report approved in accordance with the law.

Audit work should include:

  • examining the basis of the information and disclosures reflected in the financial statements on a test basis
  • assessment of the accounting principles used in the preparation of financial statements, significant assessments made by the bank's management and the presentation of financial statements
  • drawing up an audit opinion and an audit report (a letter to the bank's management).

Moreover, the above-mentioned tender proposals by the auditors must be submitted separately for each of the following periods:

  • for 2022,
  • for 2022 and 2023,
  • For the years 2022-2024.

The areas covered by the audit are the Bank's balance sheet, financial results for the reporting period, changes in equity, cash flow statements and notes to the financial statements.

Each year's signed audit report, together with the audited signed financial statements, must be submitted for approval to the competent authority of the Bank no later than March 1 of the year following the reporting year.

The signed letter addressed to the management of the bank must be submitted for consideration by the competent authority no later than March 10 of the year following the reporting year.

The audit must be carried out in accordance with the Audit Standards defined by the RA normative legal acts, the International Audit Standards published by the International Federation of Accountants.

The results of the competition will be summarized and confirmed by 2022. July 15. The Board of Directors of the Bank shall evaluate, summarize the recommendations of the auditing organizations, as well as approve the cost of the audit and present them to the approval of the general meeting of the Bank's shareholders. The decision on summarizing the results of the tender and recognizing the winner of the tender by the meeting of shareholders takes effect from the moment of adoption. Within one month from the date of adoption of the decision, the Bank and the winning participant of the tender sign an agreement on providing audit services.

The audit organization with the highest scores is recognized as the winner of the competition.

In order to obtain the best price offer or other significant terms from the audit firms participating in the competition, successive additional rounds of the competition may also be held.

The rest of the tender conditions, audit selection criteria, areas of audit selection and other details are defined by "Ameriabank" CJSC's instruction on the selection of independent audit organizations, which you can refer to at www.ameriabank.am or to get a copy, contact "Ameriabank" CJSC Head Office / Yerevan, Vazgen Sargsyan 2/, tel. /010/ 561111.

The bank is controlled by the Central Bank of RA.