"In the future, bank branches will change their role." Ameriabank organized a panel discussion - News | Ameriabank
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"In the future, bank branches will change their role." Ameriabank organized a panel discussion

02 Nov, 2015 | Press release, All | Return|

"Today's generation solves many issues with the use of modern technologies, they also want, why not, to receive banking services with the use of modern technologies. In other words, bank customers are also experiencing a generational change," said Vakhtang Abrahamyan, a member of the Board of the Central Bank of RA, during the panel discussion on "Is the spread of remote banking services justified in Armenia" organized by Ameriabank.

He noted that if the previous generation was more inclined to visit the bank and make all their transactions in the bank, in the case of the new generation, in many cases, the customer can force the bank to provide services using modern technologies, which he believes is the future. At the same time, he mentioned that the field of regulation is important in this case.

Arman Barseghyan, member of Ameriabank's management, director of retail operations, is convinced that remote banking services not only have a perspective, but also have no alternative.

"It does not mean that the branches will disappear or the role of the branches will decrease, the role will simply change, they will turn into more consulting centers, where more complex, detailed issues should be addressed. In the future, simpler services will be gradually transferred to remote control systems," he said.

According to Mihran Muradyan, Director of Banking Retail Services Department of HSBC Bank, present at the discussion, the future developments of banking will be related to digital technologies.

"One of the strategic directions of our bank is the development of digital technologies," he said.

Tigran Jrbashyan, moderator of the discussion, member of the Board of Directors of Ameriabank, Director of Development, said in his speech that the development of remote banking services is definitely related to the development of the telecommunications sector: Internet speed, the number of smartphones, and then asked the representatives of the telecommunications sector present at the discussion what steps they are taking. for the development of their sector, thus enabling the banking sector to be more attractive as well.

"ArmenTel" CJSC information technology director Maxim Khalmatov said that if customers of a telecommunications company or bank do not have tablets or smartphones, it is actually difficult to call them "digital customers". In that regard, according to him, their company is taking steps to put more Internet-related equipment into operation.

"Now there is a race to go digital all over the world. The company that will be able to create devices, models that will be more demanded by the markets will win. And the markets are very different," said M. Khalmatov.

Gurgen Nersisyan, IT Director of "Yucom" telecommunications company, said that today the development in the world is going in the direction of what additional services operators provide. "Now more steps are being taken to develop mobile internet because of the additional services that can be provided to people," he said.
Source: Panorama.am