Ameriabank has created wide opportunities for the development of Internet commerce - News | Ameriabank
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Ameriabank has created wide opportunities for the development of Internet commerce

28 Sep, 2015 | Press release, All | Return|

The acquiring service offered by Ameriabank has received a great response among all those companies that want to develop their business in the Internet environment. The vPOS offered by the bank enables round-the-clock sales and acquisition of customers from different locations around the world. The bank offers a complete, ready-made software solution, which frees you from complex and time-consuming problems of programming and configuration. It should also be noted that the necessary further software updates are carried out by the Bank, which allows customers to avoid further maintenance related to programming.

The software is installed for free and in a very short time.

Tigran Hovhannisyan, head of Ameriabank's Payment Card Service Department, presents the possibilities of using Ameriabank's vPOS program and the advantages of the program.