A press conference was held today at the Armenia Marriott Hotel, during which Ameriabank's Director of Corporate Clients Gagik Sahakyan and Director of Retail Operations Arman Barseghyan presented the details of the new lending proposals and answered journalists' questions.
Emphasizing the stability and development potential of business, as well as the need to create favorable lending conditions for individuals, Ameriabank comes up with new lending proposals.
The Bank has established special criteria for companies engaged in business activities, upon compliance with which a loan will be granted under special conditions and a simplified procedure. Companies will have the opportunity to get a loan with a number of advantages, in particular, the loan is provided at an interest rate 2% lower than the current interest rate in the Bank, and the amount of the loan can reach up to 1 billion AMD. Moreover, the costs of property valuation and notarization are paid by the Bank.
Ameriabank offers a credit limit secured by real estate, which is a limit approved on the basis of the real estate's liquid value and creditworthiness indicators, and under which it is possible to obtain a loan, credit line and overdraft without further additional investigation by the Bank.
The credit limit can also be provided without creditworthiness assessment in the amount of up to 30% of the realizable value of the mortgaged property, and in the case of creditworthiness assessment in the amount of up to 60%. Moreover, notary and cadastral fees are paid only once when confirming the limit, then the limit can be used as needed at any time without additional fees.
Ameriabank offers special loan offers for employees of a number of sectors, namely IT and telecommunications, mining and energy, healthcare, public and private sector employees, as well as audit and accounting firm employees and individual entrepreneurs. The bank offers preferential terms for credit lines and other loans, besides, lending is carried out with a simplified process. The package also includes a number of benefits for payment cards, remote control systems and other services.
Considering the public's high demand for loan refinancing, Ameriabank has extended the refinancing campaign until 2017. January 31, while improving refinancing conditions. Through refinancing, customers will have the opportunity to extend the loan term up to 20 years, depending on the type of loan, get the lowest interest rate, change the currency of the loan according to their own currency, getting the opportunity to significantly reduce the amount of monthly repayments and effectively manage their financial resources.