Training with the participation of employees of "Yerevan Plaza" business center - News | Ameriabank
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Training with the participation of employees of "Yerevan Plaza" business center

23 Oct, 2015 | Announcements, All | Return|

On October 23, at 17:00, a special tactical training on the topic "Organization of protection of visitors and employees in case of an earthquake" was held in the Yerevan Plaza business center, in which the "Ameria" group of companies also participated.
The purpose of the training exercise was to acquaint the employees of the business center with the structural features of the building and the shortest and safest ways to get to the evacuation site, as well as to improve the abilities of the employees to navigate in emergency situations.
The training was organized by the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations. It should be noted that similar trainings organized by the RA MTA with the participation of the employees of the "Yerevan Plaza" business center are already being carried out for the 4th time.

Training participation at Yerevan Plaza Business center together with Ameriabank's workers

Training participation at Yerevan Plaza Business center together with Ameriabank's workers