Special offer for healthcare workers
Ameriabank has a special offer for healthcare workers. The bank offers a variety of loans with preferential terms and a simplified process, providing a number of benefits to both public and private sector employees of the healthcare sector. They have the opportunity to get a credit line through Ameriabank in the amount of up to 6 times the net salary, maximum 5 million AMD. The bank also provides collateral-free consumer loans in the amount of up to 10 times the net salary, with a maximum of AMD 5 million.
In the case of mortgage loans, the loan/collateral ratio is increased by 10% compared to the Bank's acceptable index.
In case of receiving other loans, the loans to healthcare workers are provided at an interest rate of 0.25% lower than the Ameriabank interest rate.
Ameriabank also provides a number of other benefits to healthcare workers, namely:
ArCa Classic card - free of charge
Visa Electron/Cirrus Maestro card: 1000 AMD instead of 2500 AMD
Visa Classic/Mastercard Standard card: AMD 3000, instead of AMD 6000
Visa Gold/Mastercard Gold card: AMD 10,000, instead of the current AMD 20,000.
The Bank provides the following privileges for using remote control systems:
Ameria Online Banking and Ameria Mobile Banking services are provided with a one-time fee of 1000 AMD instead of the existing 6000 AMD.
Ameria Telephone banking service is provided with a one-time fee of AMD 1,000 instead of the existing AMD 5,000.
And the Ameria Persona personalized package with a number of privileges is provided by the Bank for only 20,000 AMD per year.
Note that s. year on November 19, Ameriabank participated in the session of the National Council of Young Doctors held in Tsaghkadzor and presented a special package developed for healthcare workers to the participants. The bank presented the participants with a certificate to receive Visa Gold cards with one year of free service.