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Black Friday. How to shop safely?

26 Nov, 2020 | All, Announcements | Return|

Read customer reviews (Review)

Search for the store in question on Google and try to find customer reviews. If they are missing, then something is wrong. And if the store has certain comments, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with them, because they may be fake or written by representatives of the store.

Remember that fake reviews do not provide details about the product and skillfully gloss over the shortcomings by presenting them as advantages.

If you received a special offer from a store to your e-mail address, before clicking on the link, make sure that you received the message from the official representative of the given brand.

Also, avoid winnings and advertising links posted on various social sites that lead to pages of dubious online stores with incredible discounts and low prices.


When making a purchase, fill in only the necessary data

  • Email address or phone number. This is mainly necessary to confirm the purchase and send a notification about the delivery of the product.
  • Name/surname and address. This data will be needed when shipping the purchase.
  • Card number, validity period and CVV code.
  • It is not advisable to attach the card to the site you are buying from, especially if it is new and not widely known.

If the store requires a copy of the passport, Mobile/Online banking password to be attached, then it is already suspicious and not worth buying from there.

Check the reliability of the site

It is advisable to use websites starting with https:/ and MasterCard SecureCode /3D Secure/ and Verified by Visa.

If the site starts with https:/, it ensures that the information you provide to the site is accessible only to you and the site's servers. By the way, websites starting with https:/ have a lock symbol next to the link.

Don't give up online receipts

When making a payment, all reliable websites take you to a payment page where you have to make the payment. If instead they offer you to transfer the money to any account, then avoid that site. The store should provide you with an electronic receipt that you can use as proof in case of problems. And if you made a transfer in the name of a specific person, then the problem becomes more complicated.

To avoid problems, it is desirable that the site has a feedback facility, for example, a Live Chat 24/7 service.

Check the security of the connection

Before making a purchase, check the security of the Internet connection, do not use Wi-Fi in shopping centers, cafes, parks. Wi-Fi in such places is often not secure, and any information you send over that connection could end up in the hands of hackers.

What to do if you notice a suspicious charge on your card?

If you notice an attempt to charge money from suspicious addresses, block the card immediately by dialing the USSD code *116# from your phone number registered with the Bank and following the instructions, or block the card also using the ARCA application (the application is available on PlayMarket and App Store) :

It is also possible to block the card by calling Amerabank's 24/7 telephone number +37410 56 11 11.

Use our tips when shopping on Black Friday, but then also follow the rules and shop safely