Ameria team | Ameriabank
My Ameria
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Ameria team

We are Amerian

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Ameria team

We are Amerian

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We think beautiful. We feel responsible. We act united. 

We dream, strive for change and efficiency, improve the quality of life and give people happiness. 

We believe that the world of our dreams can be brought to life by working hard, being committed and offering customized solutions

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Think beautiful

At work it is our goal to make sure that not only each solution we offer is impactful, brings about positive change and makes life easier, but is unique and faithful to our values and principles.

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Feel responsible

It is our goal to create an environment of mutual responsibility and trust for our teammates, customers and partners, building beautiful stories of long-term commitment.

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Act united

We are Amerian: united around common values, goals, mission and dream. At the heart of all our victories is our united work.

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Be people-oriented

Our ideas, goals and solutions are for people – their well-being, comfort and happiness.

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Strive for change

We believe that by making a step – big or small - every day, and by bringing about positive differences we help the world to become a better and more beautiful place.

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Find Ways to Make Time Efficient

We offer efficient solutions for our teammates, customers and partners, ensuring excellent quality of cooperation and continuous improvement of business processes.

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We are waiting for you

Ameria is about beautiful culture, where there are no bounds to thinking and creativity. At Ameria we are free to dream, create and succeed. All this comes to life in our big family where we have both mutual trust and integrity, care and willingness to help and support in any situation.

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Ameria team creates history

Ameriabank was and is a leader in its industry. It is our mission to create new solutions and improve the quality of life. To shape big and small well-being stories with our unique signature. People, family, happiness and well-being – these are the pillars and principles of our work.

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Work at Ameria

It is important to us that Amerians should be successful both in professional and personal life. Each initiative is designed to create new opportunities and challenges for our teammates to grow and develop professionally.

Updated on 02.12.2021 17:55