Archive by category: AllReturn
Ameriabank CJSC (“the Bank”) has been assigned the following ratings: B1 long-term and NP short-term local-currency bank deposit ratings, B2 long-term and NP short-term foreign currency bank deposit ratings, b1 baseline credit assessment (BCA) and adjusted BCA, Ba3 long-term and NP short-term Counterparty Risk Ratings (CRR) and Ba3(cr) long-term and NP(cr) short-term Counterparty Risk Assessments (CR Assessment).
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07 Aug, 2018 | All, Awards and Recognitions |
Ameriabank Receives Euromoney Award for Excellence 2018 as the Best Bank in Armenia. The award is the recognition of Ameriabank’s leadership in the market, sustainable growth and push for  digital transformation.
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13 Jul, 2018 | All, Awards and Recognitions |
The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) and Ameriabank have signed a $15 million loan agreement aimed at financing small and medium-sized businesses (SME) in Armenia, which are one of the main drivers of the Armenian economy.
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21 May, 2018 | All, Large Transactions |
Ameriabank announces unaudited IFRS-based financial results as of the first quarter of 2018. We are pleased to inform that Ameriabank has retained its leading positions in the market being the first by almost all key financial performance indicators: assets, loans, liabilities and equity, significantly over-performing market average trends and ratios.
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14 May, 2018 | Financial Results, All |
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Ameriabank have signed an agreement for an equity investment equivalent of up to $30 million to strengthen Armenia’s banking sector and further promote financial inclusion in the country. This is ADB’s first equity investment in Armenia. ADB has also approved a loan of up to $30 million to Ameriabank.
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05 May, 2018 | All, Large Transactions |
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