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1. General Provisions

1.1. This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect and use the User-related information through the Platform.

1.2. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, User-related information means:

1.2.1. Personal information provided by the User.

1.2.2. Information collected automatically.

1.3. The User-related information is collected, stored and used by the Bank solely for technical management of the Platform, as well as for analyzing and enhancing the Website performance and/or other purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

2. Personal information provided by the User

2.1. Your personal information becomes available to the Platform when you fill out your personal data on the Platform while you request to get in touch with you, or when you sign up for a subscription.

2.2. The Platform may collect and store such personal data filled out by you as your name, surname, email address, your place of employment and position occupied. We may use this information to:

  • enhance the Platform for the service quality improvement purposes,
  • deliver the service quality meeting the requirements of Users,
  • send investor update emails,
  • respond to a request to contact you.

2.3. You may unsubscribe from the Platform at any time via email. Once you unsubscribe, the Platform will terminate collecting and storing your information, and sending emails to you.

3. Information Collected Automatically

3.1. In order to improve performance of the Platform, and for the purpose of collecting general statistics about the Platform use, certain information about you may be collected and stored automatically, including, but not limited to:

3.1.1. information about the device you use (such as device type/model, browser type, including its version (Google Chrome, Safari, etc.), the operating system, including its version (iOS, Android, etc.), IP address);

3.1.2. Platform pages visited by you;

3.1.3. amount of time you spend on the Platform;

3.1.4. geographic information (Platform visits by countries);

3.1.5. accessing the Platform from various electronic environments (other websites, apps, etc.);

3.1.6. actions performed by you on the Platform so that we can understand and save your preferences for future visits;

3.1.7. Platform visits by age groups.

The Platform receives the information indicated here in a consolidated form for all Users. This information is quantitative. It does not contain any personal information about a certain User and cannot be sufficient or adequate for identification of the User.

3.2. A number of analytical tools may be used to collect information automatically.

4. Security

4.1. We are committed to ensuring privacy of your information obtained through the Platform. This is why we use several ways to protect the information provided by you, as well as the automatically received information about you. In particular, we apply cutting-edge encryption technologies (TLS (Transport Layer Security) information protection protocol).

5. Other Terms

5.1. By using the Platform, you accept the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy and give consent for collecting and using the User-related information for the purposes detailed in this Privacy Policy.

5.2. We guarantee that we’ll preserve your personal data made known to us through the Platform, not share such data with third parties and/or otherwise enable them to get access to your personal data, whether directly or not, except for the cases provided for by the laws and regulations of Armenia.

5.3. Where there are legal grounds prescribed by the Armenian laws and regulations, we will review and process your written application to terminate updating, deletion and/or processing of the User’s personal data provided to the Bank, in the manner and within the time frames provided for by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Armenia and/or internal regulations of the Bank.

5.4. We will make the changes to this Privacy Policy accessible to you through the Platform no later than 7 (seven) business days before enforcement of such changes (or later if allowed by the laws and regulations of Armenia, but no later than their effective date), unless otherwise required by the laws and regulations of Armenia.

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