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Ameriabank's team constitutes the core asset that sustains the bank's ambitious and competitive spirit, reputation and success. The bank provides every employee an integrated approach to success, i.e. a comprehensive code of ethics and business conduct so that each employee is guided by the same values and principles. The Code gives every team member at the Bank a clear understanding of how to execute his/her responsibilities in business relations with clients, suppliers, the team and the community in general.


Our mission is to improve the quality of life by

  • providing word-class financial services and business solutions to our customers,
  • implementing business and social projects significantly impacting the well-being of the society,
  • creating unique corporate culture and development model of an international company, uniting the efforts of successful people,
  • consistently increasing our shareholder value.


The Bank vision is to be a trusted financial technology space with seamless solutions to improve the quality of life

We stay committed to the following core values and principles which are the backbone of our code of ethics and conduct: our values are:

  • We think beautiful
  • We feel responsible
  • We act united

Believing that beautiful solutions can change the world and people’s lives for the better, we are committed to the following principles:

  • Effectiveness
  • Focus on people
  • Change