Archive by tag: Large TransactionsReturn
Ameriabank CJSC and FMO (Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank) signed USD 20 million equivalent Local Currency Facility Agreement channeled to “green” projects and youth financing in Armenia.
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10 Sep, 2019 | All, Large Transactions |
responsAbility Investments AG, the international impact asset manager headquartered in Switzerland, is launching a USD 175 m securitization of loans to SME-finance institutions in emerging markets. It allows investors to access a pool of assets that offers attractive market return, is less correlated to traditional public debt and equity investments and creates high development impact.
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17 Jul, 2019 | All, Large Transactions |
OFID – the OPEC Fund for International Development and Ameriabank have signed a US$25 million loan agreement aimed at supporting trade flows to and from Armenia.
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01 Jul, 2019 | All, Large Transactions |
Ameriabank successfully closed another trade finance (TF) transaction in collaboration with its long-standing partner IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, helping an Armenian greenhouse company expand its exports and create more jobs in rural areas of Armenia.
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07 Jun, 2019 | All, Large Transactions |
The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) and Ameriabank have signed a $15 million loan agreement aimed at financing small and medium-sized businesses (SME) in Armenia, which are one of the main drivers of the Armenian economy.
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21 May, 2018 | All, Large Transactions |
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