Archive by tag: AllReturn
Ameriabank receives Euromoney Award for Excellence 2021 as the Best Bank in Armenia. The Bank is honored to receive this reputable award given the significantly improved profitability, robust growth, strategic relationships and commitment to enhancement of its digital channels. The Bank receives this recognition for the 8th time already over the last ten years.
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15 Jul, 2021 | All, Awards and Recognitions |
Mr. Clemens Stadler, Managing Director, Head of Investment Finance at OeEB, speaks about the issues faced in the year 2020, factors contributing to OeEB’s success, the main focus areas of OeEB, partnership with Ameriabank and joint projects.
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04 Jun, 2021 | Interviews, All |
Mr. Francis Malige, Managing Director, Financial Institutions for the EBRD, speaks on how challenging the 2020 was for EBRD, the global economy recovery after the crisis, likelihood of new projects and opportunities, current state of the banking system in Armenia and fruitful cooperation with Ameriabank.
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22 May, 2021 | Interviews, All |
Ms. Sabine Gaber, member of the Executive Board at OeEB (Development Bank of Austria), talks about OeEB’s mission, actions taken in response to the economic impact of the pandemic in the developing countries and the long-lasting and successful partnership with Ameriabank.
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14 May, 2021 | Interviews, All |
Ameriabank announces 2021 Q1 unaudited financial results
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14 May, 2021 | Financial Results, All |
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