
Social Responsibility as the Pillar of Ameriabank Corporate Values

Staying committed to our socially responsible and sustainable corporate values, Ameria Group for the 5th consecutive year has undertaken the organization of Christmas charity auction aimed at medical treatment of 18 kids with various oncological and other life-threatening diseases. These kids were shortlisted within our cooperation with three local charity organizations such as “Children without Pain”, “ Nvirir kyanq”, “Help Armenian Children” assisting sick kids from financially vulnerable families.

This year the auction was held under the slogan “Sport for Life” featuring various sports items signed by world-renowned Armenian and foreign sportsmen. Summing up the results of 2014 charity auction, we are full of hope that our joint efforts and support will bring a ray of hope and joy of life to kids awaiting our support. As a result of the auction we raised AMD 30,600,000 (USD 66,000), whereas this amount was traditionally doubled by Ameria Group by reaching AMD 61,200,000 (USD 132,000).

We express our gratitude to all those supporters who joined Ameria’s initiative. We are also pleased to inform that further donations can be made online, as well as be transferred to the charity account number (1570036910764400). Every single penny matters to these sick kids and so to all of us.