
Ameriabank Leads Arrangers League Table for Armenian Domestic Bonds

Cbonds Financial Information Agency has published the first ever league table for the DCM market of Armenia. The Agency has compiled all issues of local corporate bonds and local currency notes issued by international financial organizations in Armenia in 2015.

Among five arranges Ameriabank tops the League Table with market share of 42%, which almost equals the cumulative market shares of the second and third arrangers in the row.

The Bank was quite active in FY15 by arranging three large local currency notes placements for EBRD, maintaining liquid market for IFC’s 3-year local currency notes on Nasdaq OMX Armenia and making the market for other local corporate bonds.

FY16 rolls out quite promising year for our DCM practice with upcoming LCY bonds issue by couple of international financial institutions and Ameriabank’s own bond program. Please keep an eye on our bond roster; we will be offering lucrative investment opportunities!