Archive by category: InterviewsReturn
Ms. Sabine Gaber, member of the Executive Board at OeEB (Development Bank of Austria), talks about OeEB’s mission, actions taken in response to the economic impact of the pandemic in the developing countries and the long-lasting and successful partnership with Ameriabank.
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14 May, 2021 | Interviews, All |
Mr. Huib-Jan de Ruijter, FMO’s Chief Investment Officer a.i. talks about economic hardships in the times of pandemic, the ways to overcome those, as well as the banking sector in Armenia and the successful partnership between FMO and Ameriabank.
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05 May, 2021 | Interviews, All |
Watch second part of the interview with Philip Lynch, Independent Board Member at Ameriabank.
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21 Apr, 2021 | Interviews, All |
Philip Lynch, Ameriabank’s Independent Board Member, has been in finance for over 30 years. His estimations and analysis of the Armenian economy are very interesting.
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15 Apr, 2021 | Interviews, All |
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